Welcome To Our “PLOGS” Pages
It is our intent here to have fun and learn to achieve some level of “experience” in having fun doing what we like to do… Create stuff !
So enjoy our project logs (PLOGS) as we can show how we did stuff or show how others did stuff.
We are a firm believer in open source everything. However, sometimes you have something you need to capitalize on. Great if you can but be careful of the scams out there. Sometime in the future I hope to bring you some insight on what NOT to do. Often enough, it is more important than what to do.
Many exciting things are coming to the end user in the way of technology like 3D Printers / Replicators that make so many things possible for us back yard Midnight Engineers !
But for now, since we had to rebuild our site from the ground up and lost much of our original data and project logs, we will just have some fun.
Some future PLOGs we hope to include are proper concepts for an electric car creation and testing many cutting/bleeding edge technologies.